Module 1

Coding Fundamentals (Scratch)

(1 – 10 Classes)

  • If you are looking to introduce coding in your teaching, Scratch is a fantastic place to start. In just a few hours, students will be able to solve problems and understand basic coding constructs like loops, functions, logic and arithmetic operations.
  • Apart from coding skills, it will also boost the learning capabilities by encouraging students to inhibit the habit of tackling logical thinking.

10 Classes

8 Projects

8 Concepts

  • Course Objectives

    The course is aimed at students with little or no prior programming experience, Students will learn the basics of Scratch including defining sprites and programming. And they will learn about all the different programming blocks and how to use them, as well as create their own games.

  • Course Requirements

    Laptop, Tablet, or iPad.

  • Prerequisites

    No prior programming knowledge is required.

  • Outcomes

    Create smart and fun games. Create animations and cool visual effects. Code - one of the most important skills to learn!. Understand complex computer science concepts by intuitively applying them in games. Be prepared to take on web development, app development, and game development.

  • Path (What is next)

    Let’s see how we can use the Coding skills that we got to the next level by developing our first mobile.

Module 2

App development

(11-22 Classes)

  •  The world of mobile application development is an ever-growing sector in the job market. Get to understand the basics and concepts that drive the technology that builds these applications.
  • From developing apps to publishing to the play store, the module introduces real-world development practices.
  • Students will be able to develop mobile applications that can be used on real devices.

12 Classes

7 Projects

6 Concepts

  • Course Objectives

    We all carry mobile devices in our pockets, but instead of just using them - why not make your own apps? In the Introduction to App Building course, we'll use a blocks-based programming environment to create Apps and learn computer science concepts like variables, loops, functions, and conditionals.

  • Course Requirements

    A computer with a web browser (Chrome is preferred, but Safari, Firefox, and Edge also work).

  • Prerequisites

    No prior programming experience is required but if you have it will be great.

  • Outcomes

    In this course, students will learn about the technical knowledge of app development and they will receive hands-on learning experience with app development right from its foundation to the process of designing an app and marketing them: Basics of App Development - Introduction to Various App Platforms - Design Thinking - Design an App.

  • Path (What is next)

    With all the skills that we have now what about trying some fun science activities now?

Module 3

Scientific Exploration

(23 – 28 Classes)

  • A course that is designed with an aim to increase the logical as well as analytical thinking of the students.
  • In this course, students will be able to learn different topics related to physical as well as biological phenomena and at the same time they will be able to build their programming skills.

6 Classes

4 Projects

4 Concepts

  • Course Objectives

    Children are hands-on learners, and the world around them provides so many natural opportunities. That is why you should never underestimate the power of learning through play. Interacting with their environment will support their intellectual development.

  • Course Requirements

    A computer with a web browser.

  • Prerequisites

    No prior experience is required.

  • Outcomes

    It can foster a lifelong love of science. It supports the development of other skills and attributes. Science creates engaged learners. Science gives children an understanding of their world.

  • Path (What is next)

    We have coding skills and we are scientists now, what about lean about Artificial intelligence?

Module 4

Machine Learning For Kids

(29 – 39 Classes)

  • Machine Learning is a powerful technique used by companies like Facebook, Google and Microsoft to improve their applications.
  • The new generation of software engineers are the ones who are best at using Machine Learning in their app development.
  • This course will explain the concept of machine learning to students and will train them on how to develop apps which uses machine learning to solve various problems.

10 Classes

5 Projects

5 Concepts

  • Course Objectives

    With the hands-on development of different shapes based on 2D and 3D architecture, this module will open up the way of thinking and visualizing structures.

  • Course Requirements

    A computer with a web browser.

  • Prerequisites

    No prior experience is required.

  • Outcomes

    the easiest way to get your kid started with learning electronics. Using an interactive circuit editor, kids can explore, connect, and code virtual projects with a bottomless toolbox of simulated components.

  • Path (What is next)

    It’s time for Python, isn’t it?

Module 5

Tinkercad 3D

(40 – 44 Classes)

  • Tinkercad 3D is an interactive module which involves students in hands-on development of different shapes based on 2D and 3D architecture.
  • This will open up the way of thinking and visualizing structures and designs. The designing involved in the creation of 3D shapes and structures will develop engineered approach of accepting things.

6 Classes

5 Projects

5 Concepts

  • Course Objectives

    With the hands-on development of different shapes based on 2D and 3D architecture, this module will open up the way of thinking and visualizing structures.

  • Course Requirements

    A computer with a web browser.

  • Prerequisites

    No prior experience is required.

  • Outcomes

    The idea is to get them thinking from the start about what they want to design and then how to build it. STEM learning takes off when kids move from thinking about how things work to making things that work.

  • Path (What is next)

    It’s the time of the fun and creating a tangible project!

Module 6

Microbit Electronics

(45- 49 Classes)

  • Power up your imagination , from blinking your first led to reimagination the thermometer , we will show you the ropes, buttons, and breadboards of circuits.
  • Design electronics, program with ease, start building, endless possibilities.

5 Classes

4 Projects

4 Concepts

  • Course Objectives

    Understand and apply the fundamental principles & concepts of computer science. Gain practical experience of writing computer programs to solve problems. Evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies analytically to solve problems Be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.

  • Course Requirements

    A computer with a web browser.

  • Prerequisites

    No prior experience is required.

  • Outcomes

    Computational thinking: prototyping Programming, modifying code, testing & debugging - Programming, iteration & selection - Creating real electronic projects.

  • Path (What is next)

    You are a master now, what do you think about creating our own universe!

Module 7


(50- 59 Classes)

  • From the concept of 3D and Physics to the design of Augmented & Virtual Reality this module is well equipped with what it takes to make learning and creating more logical.
  • Students will be able to enrich their knowledge with the physics, gravity and various movement which eventually gets converted into an amazing project to have more fun along with the learning.

10 Classes

8 Projects

8 Concepts

  • Course Objectives

    Learn the basics of electricity and important terminologies like Voltage, Current and Resistance. Discover the common circuit symbols and measuring units. Getting introduced to simulation and how to design circuits. Getting started with a breadboard and learning how to build simple circuits. Make amazing electronics projects. Learn the different types of connections; Series and parallel connection. Understand the concept of logic gates and how they are built.

  • Course Requirements

    A computer with a web browser.

  • Prerequisites

    No prior experience is required.

  • Outcomes

    the easiest way to get your kid started with learning electronics. Using an interactive circuit editor, kids can explore, connect, and code virtual projects with a bottomless toolbox of simulated components.

  • Path (What is next)

    It’s time for Python, isn’t it?

Module 8

Tinkercad Electronics

(60- 69 Classes)

  • This module focuses on developing the understanding of Python from the block based approach.
  • Every fundamental of Python and the development of its Algorithm has been given major importance in this module.
  • Includes variables, logical operators, lists, etc which are the building blocks of Python to develop projects.

10 Classes

8 Projects

8 Concepts

  • Course Objectives

    Learn the basics of electricity and important terminologies like Voltage, Current and Resistance. Discover the common circuit symbols and measuring units. Getting introduced to simulation and how to design circuits. Getting started with a breadboard and learning how to build simple circuits. Make amazing electronics projects. Learn the different types of connections; Series and parallel connection. Understand the concept of logic gates and how they are built.

  • Course Requirements

    A computer with a web browser.

  • Prerequisites

    No prior experience is required.

  • Outcomes

    the easiest way to get your kid started with learning electronics. Using an interactive circuit editor, kids can explore, connect, and code virtual projects with a bottomless toolbox of simulated components.

  • Path (What is next)

    It’s time for Python, isn’t it?

Module 9

Edublocks Python Introduction

(70- 79 Classes)

  • With the knowledge of block based Python, the advanced Python will unleash the coding potential to develop
  • More of logically developed text based Python project throughout the module will develop creative thinking towards solving problems with coding in
  • Different inbuilt functionalities of Python would make students a step ahead to understand and learn any other programming language with a level of

10 Classes

8 Projects

8 Concepts

  • Course Objectives

    With the knowledge of block-based Python, advanced Python will unleash the coding potential to develop projects. And Different inbuilt functionalities of Python would make students a step ahead to understand and learn any other programming language with a level of ease.

  • Course Requirements

    A computer with a web browser.

  • Prerequisites

    No prior experience is required, while block-based coding experience will be great.

  • Outcomes

    Move kids from programming in Scratch to learning Python. Kids will bring a familiar drag-and-drop graphical user interface (GUI) to Python 3 programming.

  • Path (What is next)

    You are a great Coder now, what about going farther?

Module 10

Python Advanced

(80- 92 Classes)

  • The essential understanding of basic parameters of Electronics including current and voltage from the beginning of the module allows students to identify how any electronic device.
  • This module would open doors to getting started with Robotics & IoT with the introduction and project development in embedded.
  • The switching using sensors with relays and embedded systems would give students more power to understand.

12 Classes

8 Projects

8 Concepts

  • Course Objectives

    Get started coding your projects with Python, one of the world's most popular programming languages.

  • Course Requirements

    A computer with a web browser.

  • Prerequisites

    Block-based coding experience.

  • Outcomes

    Kids will learn how to be very precise when coding in text-based languages, and Python is no exception. Even the spaces are important. These are called indentations, and they will learn how to deal with images, buttons, sensors and how accurate data we can get when dealing with Text-Based programming.

  • Path (What is next)

    Wow, you are a master coder now, let’s see what is required to build our own website!

Module 11

Design Thinking

(93- 98 Classes)

  • Major emphasis of this module is towards making creative designs.
  • From the beginning of the module students are encouraged to think differently with various approach to come up with unique solution.
  • SCAMPER ideation technique has been introduced in the module that leads students to think professionally before concluding any design.
  • Understanding colors, user experience, user interface, wireframe, etc are the major property of this module.

6 Classes

6 Projects

5 Concepts

  • Course Objectives

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  • Course Requirements

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut abore et dolore magna

  • Prerequisites

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  • Outcomes

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut abore et dolore magna

  • Path (What is next)

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Module 12


(99- 110 Classes)

  • Designing and developing a website is what this module deals with by introducing very essential HTML and
  • Students will learn to become project oriented which is also the major essence of this
  • Each project has been divided into multiple parts where different aspects of HTML and CSS are implemented

12 Classes

2 Projects

16 Concepts

  • Course Objectives

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut abore et dolore magna

  • Course Requirements

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut abore et dolore magna

  • Prerequisites

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut abore et dolore magna

  • Outcomes

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut abore et dolore magna

  • Path (What is next)

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut abore et dolore magna

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